Saturday, September 1, 2007

i said sinchon is prettier at night

however, i have yet to take any good pictures of it myself. i stole this one from my friend. ill get some of my own sometime i'm sure...and of hongdae...which is the area around another college (hongik taehakk).
as for the korean drinking games, "ming, mang, mohng" is really fun when you get the hang of it...although it only gets harder the more soju you drink. speaking of soju, it's not that tasty but im determined to drink it for the following reasons: 1. its CHEAP-i got a 500 ml bottle for like 1,200 won...which is around $1.20 and its gonna last a while. 2. it's more korean.

speaking of which my korean needs lots of work. i can get around fine but i feel like i use the same phrases over and over.

BUT(kuh-loh-chee-mahn)!! my blogger isn't even in english-its a miracle i can even navigate and get postings up on this site!!!! aaahhh! miss yous!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Wow! Looks great @ night. Great Shot!