Thursday, September 13, 2007

soh-ohb duhl!?!?

i don't quite feel like i'm "in school" yet...people in my korean class speak fluently and make jokes i don't understand and i've got a terrible cold. BUT we're going 'camping' this weekend which i think means some sort of lodge situation...should be good!
on another note-it seems like its rediculously hard to get a cell phone in this country if you are a foreigner...everyone i know who has one got some sort of hook up i.e. they have family here...or a host family....something. i'm out of the loop and pretty confused but i reallly need one.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hi Gell,
Sorry about your cold. Feel better. Can your roommate's extented family help. We can put more money in your account if you want. Is this a friend who likes your music?
Love you